The Incredible Years® Program

with Drs. Shanna Alvarez & Heather Davis

Do you have a child who struggles with impulsivity,

emotional extremes, or challenging behaviors?


There is no shortage of advice and opinions regarding how to deal with these difficult behaviors. Many families we work with have tried long lists of strategies and read multiple books, yet still feel overwhelmed and unsuccessful at dealing with their child’s emotions and behaviors. Oftentimes, parents are well-informed regarding specific techniques, but have difficulty effectively executing these strategies amidst the stressors of daily life. Other times, they are simply overwhelmed and paralyzed by all the conflicting information out there about parenting and need a plan they know is rooted in sound science.

We see the potential in all the families and children with whom we work. We understand that the same child who tears apart the office clinic in one moment, is the same child who later melts your heart with affection and creativity. With each family’s strengths in mind, we provide research-based structure, support and tools to effect concrete change in their child’s behaviors.

With over 40 years of research support, the Incredible Years parent program takes a positive, relationship-based approach to reducing and managing challenging behaviors and facilitating emotional regulation development, while strengthening family relationships. Caregivers establish a common language and approach to co-parenting their children with their parenting partners, which reduces inconsistency, distress and conflict in the family as a whole (whether in single or dual-home situations).

Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic:

IY intervention is currently conducted via 1:1 or group telehealth sessions. We have found great joy and success in supporting our IY families during these challenging times. We have been pleased to see that the telehealth service model has offered increased accessibility to families who may have not been able to access services held in a clinic setting. We hope to build on these successes as we continue to offer our online parenting interventions.

Parent Intervention: 14 weekly 1-hour parent sessions will be available M-Th from 1-5 pm.

Child Intervention: 18 Weekly Dinosaur School sessions (30 minute for 1:1, 1 hour for groups) will be held with Dr. Davis and your child(ren). Services are typically offered Wednesday afternoons.


Telehealth has generally allowed us to have more ongoing enrollment with significantly shorter wait times for families. If you are interested in enrolling, please complete the secure and confidential questionnaire below to help us determine if The Incredible Years® Program may be a good fit for your family.