Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a broad class of treatments that create change by focusing on the connection and transaction between thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. CBT acknowledges that thoughts are not always accurate or helpful, and we often run into trouble when we act as if our thoughts are all true. Thoughts can influence behaviors and emotions; likewise, behaviors can powerfully affect how we think and feel.
CBT is active and present-focused, and looks at patterns here-and-now as opposed to focusing primarily on personal history. Together, you and your therapist will be both detectives and scientists: one minute you will be curiously exploring detailed thought-behavior-emotion patterns, and the next minute you will be experimenting with new ways of thinking and acting. An essential element to CBT is action -- engaging in new behavior both in sessions and in life in order to create a pattern of thoughts, feelings, and actions that truly serves one's values and goals.
At its core, rather than a talking therapy, CBT is a doing therapy.
Butler, et al., 2006 - A comprehensive review of CBT describing its efficacy in treating a broad range of behavioral health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
New York Times: "Like Drugs, Talk Therapy Can Change Brain Chemistry"